Legal Information and Cookies Policy
General Terms and Conditions (GTC)
Here you will find the Matti Group legal documents:
General Terms and conditions: English Version
Purpose of this website
The purpose of this website is to provide information regarding our company and services. Other than these terms of use the Matti Group (Matti Technology AG, Matti Engineering AG) concludes no agreement with the user accessing this website. The published tools neither constitute a request to the user to place an offer, nor an offer to the user. Matti Group seeks keeping the information provided on this website current, complete and accurate. However, as this information is subject to changes, its topicality, accuracy and completeness is not guaranteed. The information provided on this website constitutes neither binding decision support and answers to questions for advice, nor should any legal or other decisions be made based on this information. Any actions whatsoever, based on information provided on this website, are made at the user’s own risk.
This website may contain links to third parties. Matti Group has no influence over the content of third party websites, which is why no guarantee is provided for their correctness, completeness and legality. Matti Group therefore assumes no liability for the content provided on third party websites.
No security regarding data transmission
Any communication via e-mail uses open, cross-border networks, accessible by anybody. E-mails are usually sent unencrypted. It may not be excluded, that data sent via unencrypted e-mail is accessed by third parties, thereby understanding any approach of Matti Group.
Exclusion of liability
The information provided on the website contains no covenants or guarantees. As far as legally possible Matti Group excludes any liability and assumes no liability, insofar as no gross negligence or intent is proven in connection with a direct damage caused by the use of this website and the information provided thereon. Any liability is excluded for any possible direct and / or indirect consequential damage, as a result of the use of information from this website or the access of third party websites through links provided on this website.
Copyright and other intellectual property rights
The whole content of the website of Matti Group is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. The logo of Matti Technology AG is registered as a trademark. No rights whatsoever are granted to the user accessing the website of Matti Group or downloading or copying of data therefrom. Without prior written consent by the Matti Group, any modification, reproduction or use of this website or the logo of Matti Technology AG or parts therefrom for a public or commercial purpose is strictly prohibited.
Cookies policy
This site uses cookies to store information on your computer. Some of these cookies are technically necessary and others help us gain insight into how the site is used.
Cookies are set when content is submitted or when certain interactions occur. If you're not happy with this and to control third party cookies, you can adjust your browser.
Google Analytics and other trackers
Google Analytics and other trackers used on this site use cookies to track users and to create anonymised statistics for the website - no personal data is tracked or stored.
The underlying web technology may use cookies to track session states but no personal data is tracked or stored.
By continuing to use this website and any services provided, you agree to our usage of cookies.